Are you fed up of crying when peeling onions read more and see the uses of a microwave you didn't know.

Hey mi viewers are really thank you for all the support and love you have given and for the others please subscribe to my blog and you won't regret when it comes to food. Now most of us know a microwave as an equipment used to heat up food but not only that a microwave also has other uses. And literaly better ones.

To begin with a microwave can help you in:

1. Baking a 🎂 cake

A microwave can help you bake a chocolate cake enough for you in just 90 minutes in a cup in the comfort of your home.  But if you want to get fancier you can throw together a three layer cake for 10 to 12 people.  It is super nice and super easy try it out just use the recipes I gave you in my earlier posts on cakes.  Try it!!

2. Peeling garlic

Peeling garlic is one of the most tiresome jobs when it comes to cooking and it has destroyed a lot of our finger nails but just wipe your tears and get those claws back on your nails cause peeling garlic is getting easy. Just get a bowl and put in garlic for only 20 seconds.  It will be ready enough and the skin will peel it's self off. See no knives needed.

3. Chopping onions

Honey wipe your onion tears and get your nail polish on cause a microwave can even chop onions for you.  Just cut the tops of the onions and put them in the microwave for over 30 seconds.  And we are good to go.

4. Squeezing all the juice out of a fruit.

Most of us we want to squeez all the juice out a fruit but it's so tiresome so what me I do,  just put your oranges in the microwave for over 10 seconds,  let it cool and slice it and squeeze it will be soo easy like reading my blog then put in the fridge and get your cold drink.  It usually works on large fruit like oranges and grapes.  These methods are so nice and I really love you bye.
Am out thanks don't forget to subscribe!

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