Travelling is always on my wish list at the beggining of the year, lucky enough i got a chance to travel east of the country this festive season and i am bringing you along with me!
It was my first time in the east of the pearl of africa uganda and i was amazed! Fast off they have lunch at 4pm thats new cause i always have lunch at 1 or 2pm actually before going to far the breakfast was amazing it was always on time, we either had black tea and chapati or milk with chapati or even bread for those who preferred it! And it was fine we usually woke up at 9am and have breakfast at 10am thats fine with me.
So we go back to lunch, lunch was served a little late between 3pm and 4pm but it was normal to them( natives). 
Fun fact: my bro is vegetarian and i love and want to be vegetarian but the chicken holds me back! 

But anyway our first lunch it was boiled rice, fried rice, smoked beef, fried beef, matooke , avocado, greens and millet ( locally known as kalo).
So my bro and I were on the vegetarian side we had rice( all types) and avocado with greens,
First off the avocado was beyond amazing and we even never needed to add salt it was just perfect and so was the greens our first lunch was quite nice in simple terms.

When it came to supper or dinner it was served at around 9pm and it was the same food we had for lunch so it was the same experience.
Day one was done!

Day two and three were a bit tricky we had chicken so i wasnt a vegetarian anymore i had my chicken tho my bro had no compasation since being veg is not so common in uganda!  So he had rice only.

One thing i realized there beans are cooked in a different way than the usual ones i have but they were equally fine.

I thank God they dont cook in pots i had a fear!😂😂😂
Also they dont boil drinking water that kicked my mind of like how do you live and my grandma told me their borehole has clean and safe water! I hope so😕 .
I had a pretty exiting trip everything was amazing i leant knew foods i will be showing their reviews soon so just subscribe to our news letter to know more!
Love. Mbabazi kelly

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