Hello earth, how are you doing hope 2021 is going great. So last week internet was shut down in Uganda my current location due to the presidential elections but since all that is done and went down succesfully and peacefully but since all that is done i have something new for you, during our internet "lock down" as you may call it i discovered this new chapati recipe, apparently the recipe includes pumpkin which makes it healthy number one, tasty number two ( trust me you cant taste the pumpkin but you taste some different flavour), this makes it already qualified so lets do this!
Hope you came with your forks!
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What we are making today is a pumpkin chapati!
Pic from chrome credit to all the owners

NB : if you need the recipe how to make chapati you can checknit out here> HERE
Flour 2kgs
Water 1 cup
Green pepper
15 t0 20 servings it depends on the size of dough balls
We shall start off with cutting a slice off the pumpkin and store the rest remove the seeds of the slice and cut out the pumpkin leaving the outer cover, then chop the pumpkin into small pieces then boil at medium heat. For fifteen mins
As they boil grate 1 full onion, 1 full carrots, one finger of garlic, a half of green pepper, a small amount of ginger maybe one thats a size of your thumb or even smaller, grate them together and after this we are going to half cook them to make them soft. Now remove your pumkin
Get a frying pan and oil place your ingredients into the pan and add two tablespoons of oil, continuiously stir and add some water like a quater a cup stir while on heat obviously for about 5 mins then smash your pumpkin in a bowl and add your half fried ingredients to the pumpkin and continue smashing them to diffuse into each other when this is done gradually add your flour in small bits while kneading it together with the pumpkin when the dough gets ready we can make the dough balls now
NB: you can add small portions of water if required but if not please just use the water in the pumpkin ti knead.
So we go ahead and make our dough balls and flaten them with a rolling pin , make them round and flat but not so flat, set oil on your frying pan and start frying them to make chapati.
There you have it your pumpkin chapati healthy and beautiful.
Have a blessed week bye.

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