The foods I advise you to eat to keep your body in shape after weight loss.

Hi guys how is everyone doing let me hope you are doing the absolute most at keeping your self safe and free from any human contact. I had taken around three days without posting and I was cooking something we are going to have a give away of fruits and vegetables and food to the community and I will give you all the details later.
So back to the matter most of us have worked out and we are back to the body sizes of our choice but how are you going to maintain that size without going back to obesity well am going to give you  a few tips and foods that I use to keep my self in shape.  But first of all if you are still working out you can check out my post on how to feed during workouts which will help you through your workout Here is the post so here is a list of foods that I use to keep my body in shape and healthy.
If you have just lost weight keep it in mind that your body in used to its old form so don't go with what your body tells you you might feel hungry every time but only eat when you have to.
Don't eat food with a lot of sugars for example sweets.
Eat foods like
Plain/ low fat yogurt
Bananas( you can also check the post I wrote about banana)

Always endeavor to avoid drinks with a lot of calories like soda. But you can try out
Lemon water
Ginger tea
Orange juice

Foods with a lot of oil are dangerous to our bodies so they have to be eaten once in a wail.

Most of us don't know the time to start eating and the time to stop well we should eat 7:00am and stop at 6:00 pm it keeps your bodies healthy and prevents intestinal problems.

Well that was all for today catch me right in the comments below and tell me your view tell me how you do it.  Am out thanks
Let's talk more check me out on instagram and followhere

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