My day to day drink ( lemon with ginger)

So, hi guys how has your Tuesday been mine has been fun I don't know about yours but what am gonna tell you is going to bring a smile back to your face.
You know how we are always fighting high sugar levels in our body sometimes this may lead again to another dieses of low sugar levels which are both dangerous to our bodies but his drink am gonna give you helps in stable sugar levels in the body and its good for all body types. Let's get into what I have for you .
Well.. What you have to put into this
heavenly drink is let's get our shopping bags, guys hurry
1 and a half cups of water
1 tablespoon and a half of sugar
I thin slice of fresh ginger
I tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
You can use granulated sugar as a substitute
Lime slices
Since we have all that we are good to go.
So how are we going to get this drink in place the first thing to do is
1.get a medium saucepan preheat it and after bring the water  and sugar with the finger into a bowl. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes .
2.stir in lemon juice , refrigerate until its chill but not frozen
3. You are now free to remove the ginger or any solid substances in other wads use a seive. This is one serving increase every measurement with the number of servings
When you drink it ahhh its so nice ,cool , healthy and heavenly. Its easy to make from anywhere it safe for anyone healthy or having diabetic problems.
.Let's talk and we get to know each other better guys checkout my Instagram page follow and DM
Grab me on my YouTube channel I cover songs I really like singing but you can inbox its Kelly Viane.
Do you like fashion lifestyle I know you do plz checkout my bros blog he's my mentor if you like me am sure you will like
Am out thanks

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