I wish I knew this before I started cooking. (Thank me later..).

Hey, my people how are going what is going on over there leme ask what is the most common dish you have seen this quarantine hahahha I know in Africa beans and posho are no. One anyway regardless the good news is that you are here with me.
Let's get cooking I hope you brought your forks cause after cooking there is eating.
OK let's get into today's post so I have brought you five reliable kitchen hacks I have used before and they are amazing©.
OK let's get into the post.
How to keep cookies and other bakery worm.
Are you fed up of your left over cookies hardening or crisps. I got you get the cookies and mix them with fresh bread they can last 24 hours without hardening trust me and you will eat them soft and delicious .
How to melt butter within 10minutes...
I know the hustle when you forget to remove butter from the fridge and you wake up in the morning when it is solid guys I have a solution just chop it into small cubes and it will do the margic.
Are you fed up of your bowl slipping of the table this will be no more before placing the bowl on the table put it on top of a moisturized towl then it will be firm ..thank me later.
Did you know cooking/frying eggs which are higher or lower than room temperature is dangerous but you don't nned to worry if you left the eggs in the fridge and they are obviously cold just get a bowl of warm water and place them there for 10- 15 minutes they will be back o room temperature.
I saved the best for the last how many of us hate it when our ice cream melts oohh I know that pain but don't worry now I got a way to solve this wrap your ice cream in a bubble wrap and it will last for extra 30 minutes thank me later..

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