Have you ever been on a plane before well, if not I am sure you always ask yourself what do they eat, do they take water or soda well this is the right post read more to see the secrets
So, my first day on the plane it was my dad's birthday and he took me and my bro with him just for a photoshoot (can you imagine 😬) at the UN embassy I obviously didnt eat anything there(sorry) but at least I entered the plane ( I was like 5 by that time)
My second time on the plane it was the National Day and I was 10 and you know what the government put an offer some shillings and they take you around Lake Victoria and obviously I used my power as a 10 year old and my parents paid for me 💪 but unfortunately I again didn't eat or have anything cause it was like a tour kind of thing.
âš warning lengthy post tighten your seatbelt.
But when I was 12 my bro had to go to Ivory Coast and the USA andddd I was not part😢 but at least he has told me all about he's journey and I cannot wait to tell you guys everything starting from the drinks to the digestion
For the beverages (drinks) they are pretty available and in a variety and served at all times but the food is.......
So there is a menu of the food and if you are African specifically from Uganda and you are new to this the only meal you can and spell and pronounce is rice I think because most of the air crafts are western so the foods are influenced by the western culture cause the African aircrafts have most of the African foods like the Air Uganda has Ugandan food but there food is quite tasty there service is recommendable next time I am on a plane I will tell you everything