Hey guys how is your weekend mine is going great leme hope yours is the same! (uuuhhh) . So on thursday it was my 14th birthday , 1st October and it was a bombshell am not a party organising kind of person (but i love parting) but this time i decided to organise one... (since it is a pandemic the guest list was small i had a few friends and family members )
I went shopping with my bro on 30th sept. And i was going to get soda but i had second thoughts i wanted to spice up my parte and my bro gave me an idea of purchasing champagne and i was fine and excited ....
The following day (my birthday) my bro and sis organised everything as i went to fetch my guests and the party started , since i have a collaboration with the @rolex guy ug we had our meals there and we headed for the beach for the real parte the first and only beverage i tasted that day was champagne( oh my i had a champagne glass as a present from ma bro and i had to use it ) just saying but the first sip of champagne was i never amazing drunk but i really enjoyed every sip of it tho it wasnt enough i wanted more.....it was sweet and mmm so nice.
My birthday was the best thing that happened to me and am surely buying another bottle since i know have a wine glass know
Have you taken champagne before you can tell me your different experiences in the comment section...DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FOOD BLOG