Photo from iam_kellym
Hey loves, ever had of pancakes,? i bet you have, well today i got a chance to make them with mom and she gave me her secret recipe to making this beautiful pancakes! Hope you brought your forks.....
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Total time 45 mins
This recipe makes 20 + pancakes
â—‹ Small bananas know as ndizi here in uganda! Why small or short bananas,? Ans- the small bananas are sweeter than the big bananas - 1 ripe claster
â—‹ 3 pinches of baking powder
â—‹ 2 or 3 cups of cassava flour
â—‹ Cooking oil
You will aslo need,
A seive
A big bowl
A frying pan
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We shall kick off by pealing the bananas and then pounding them in a big bowl
After get a seive and seive the cassava flour while gradually adding it to the pounded bananas and the baking powder and mix together.
Mix for some 5 to 6 mins to know that the mixture is ready the texture will be so smooth and it wont be sticky and when this is done.
Flatten your mixture in a chopping board and cut out circles using a cup, fry the circles in deep hot oil!
Do this to the rest of the mixture till its done!
When eating you can add honey to the pancakes serve hot
Have you tried out the recipe or do you know something different or better please right it down in the comments below and tell me your review!