Black lives matter .

Hey guys how is you and how are all my black brothers and sisters and how are my white brothers and sisters fighting racism .
We as blacks we are  passing through a daunting time around the world after the death of George Floyd our brother killed by a racist white cop so what I want to bring across is that not all whites are racist but a few , not all cops are racist and brutal but a few so as a family we should fight those few frogs spoiling the pond.
If it means burning the white house down we shall do it for justice . All we need as Black's is equality and peace .
Plz if you are reading this never kill or danger any one because of their  colour its something we don't decide to have its natural . BTW George was not the first to face police brutality because of his colour there are many other people .
According to statistics the rate of blacks dying of police brutality because of colour is 3 times more than whites yet whites are 4 times more than blacks . this is sickening end racism , racism is real and should be stopped . period .

Am going to be posting some petitions to sign to stop racism on my Instagram check it out and sign the petition Here please end police brutality and racism . #blacklivesmatter #justiceforall

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