Loosing or Gaining weight can be a struggle but maintaining it is another world war between you and your body, so Fork Gram today has come out to help you with tips to follow after loosing or Gaining weight that will help you keep it that way

*1. Exercising more often*
Exercising is one of the most common ways on how to lose but also maintain your weight.
So, exercise what you feel comfortable with for example jogging for about 30 minutes daily which keeps you fit and healthy and when you are finally done you can do some stretches to help relax your muscles

To conclude, exercising helps you lose calories and keeps your body healthy

You can checkout our previous post about weight loss where we recommend some good places for workouts

*2. Eat a lot of healthy protein*
Healthy Proteins such as beans, nuts, white meat, fish like tilapia here in Uganda are often very satisfying when you eat them so it increases your metabolism keeping you full for a long time preventing the urge to eat more food during the day.

To conclude, healthy proteins reduce and work on cravings which keeps you full for the day

3. Taking into account about how many carbs you eat*
Carbs are unhealthy foods rich in carbohydrates and many calories for example; fries, sweets, sodas
Carbs slow your metabolism which makes you hungry very fast and most likely gain weight due to high amount of calories in them.

To conclude, make sure you limit your intake of carbs like eating them once in a while

*4. Staying hydrated*
They say water is life, so make it your mission to drink a lot of water in a day to keep your body hydrated.
Drinking 1-2cups of water 30 minutes before you eat a meal makes you full easily and for a long time which increases your metabolism and like in the previous points, prevents you from eating more meals for some time

In conclusion, drinking water helps to maintain body weight, in addition to that, it helps in skin care

*5. Eat plenty of vegetables*
 Vegetables are actually the most healthy foods to eat including fruits which are said to be nature's candy
Vegetables are very easy to prepare, low on calories and you can eat them  in large proportions without gaining weight, in addition to that, they are high in fibre which increases your metabolism
So whenever your hungry and it's not yet meal time try vegetables, they will keep you full and healthy

To conclude, vegetables are very healthy to eat and you are gaining many nutrients such as iron. You can about consume about 2 vegetables on every meal you take

And lastly

*6. Go for medical- checkups*
This was actually the least expected but it is very important.
Going for medical check-ups for example every month
It keeps you updated if you are maintaining your weight and how healthy your body is most importantly what is dangerous for your body

To conclude, going for medical check ups updates you on how healthy your body is and in addition to that, the doctor can inform you on more health tips

Let me hope maintaining your body has been made easier ? 

With love from
           Fork Gram ❤️
Veronica Namitala

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