Do you want a good skin join me and you see the hidden nutrients in bananas.

Hey everyone how is your day going so far and how are your plans for this quarantine going let's continue to self isolate and wash hands. So today is a every sunny but how is your skin doing, how is your immunity well today I have brought a fruit that is going to fix all of that. It's a banana. 🍌
Bananas are a great source of potassium which helps in strengthening bones and teeth. Meanwhile why doesnt toothpaste contain Banana's 😂😂.Moving on bananas help in the production of red blood cells which strengthens ones immunity. As I said in my second article ripe yellow bananas were verified to fight against the corona Virus you can also check it out. Bananas produce manganese which helps in production of skin cells and protection of melanin so if you want a good skin bananas should be on your daily diet. They are also a source of carbohydrates and it's advisable to eat them before and after workouts or sports.  Bananas help in controlling blood pressure levels heart burn and ulcers.  They are also a great source of vitamins. I advise you to drink lots of water and keep safe and add bananas to your daily meal .
Am out thanks

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